Bone Grafting

A bone graft may be necessary if you have an inadequate volume of bone that is necessary to support a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. At WisNova Innovative Dental Specialists the team of experts offers bone grafts as an advanced surgical procedure. If you’ve been told you are not a candidate for dental implants because of bone atrophy, call the office or request an appointment online to learn about how grafting can help.

Bone Grafting FAQs

Who is a candidate for a bone graft?

Patients missing teeth due to decay or accident benefit from dental implants that are placed directly into the jawbone to mimic a natural tooth. Implants are successful cosmetically and functionally, but you can only qualify for one if you have adequate bone and healthy gums. If you don’t have enough bone volume – or it’s too thin or too soft – the implant surgery could potentially fail.

Grafting restores your bone levels and health in your jaw, making an implant possible.

What causes bone atrophy in the jaw?

Atrophy can occur when you have had a missing tooth for a while – it no longer stimulates the bone to regenerate. In these cases, you lose bone in a process known as resorption. As you age, you also naturally lose some bone.

If you have limited bone available in your jaw, the doctors at WisNova can use a bone graft to rebuild the jaw and install the implant.

Where does the bone used for the graft come from?

Depending on the location and the amount of tissue needed, the doctors may obtain the necessary tissue from your bones, a tissue bank, or a substitute synthetic material. The team carefully reviews your health and individual case to determine the best option for you.

If you need a small graft – a freeze-dried bone from a bone bank is usually your best option. The sample is mixed with a ceramic material that has the same mineral components as natural bone.

If you have a need for a large bone graft – the doctors may take bone from another part of your body to place in your jaw. Your body is more likely to accept living bone from your body, rather than from a donor.

What is recovery from a bone graft like?

Once your graft is performed, recovery takes 4-8 months. After the healing process is complete and the bone integrated, the doctors place the implant. In some cases, you can have a graft and implant performed at the same time.

To find out more about bone grafts and your oral health, call WisNova Institute of Dental Specialists or request an appointment using the online tool.